Friday, January 16, 2009

Guitar Hero for Jesus!

The night before last I had a bunch of copies to make, and at about 9:15, I ran out of ink with quite a few copies left to make. So I went to the most God-forsaken place on earth, WalMart, for a new ink cartridge. While there, I noticed that there was no one playing the display set for Guitar Hero World Tour. Since there was no one there, and I hadn't tried my hand at any of the World Tour songs, I decided to give it a try.

I was wailing on Lenny Kravitz "Are You Gonna Go My Way" when a man and his grade school age son came up. The man was impressed with my Guitar Hero prowess, and commented, "You are really good at this... you must have an XBox." My response, "No, I learned how to play at church." From there I was able to strike up a meaningful conversation. I ended up having a good chat with this guy about God and church. No decision was made, but I pray that someone else might take some time to talk with him sometime in the near future. Say a prayer for him as well.

Shoutouts go to Toyia Robinson and Justin Head for challenging me to be the best Guitar Hero player I can possibly be. You helped open up an opportunity. BTW, I set a new high score on hard on that song in the WalMart in Katy, TX.


toyia said...

Nice! Sharing faith AND a new high score. You are my guitar hero :)

Justin said...

and who says guitar hero is a waste of time...thanks for the shout out. Now I know you have a blog...shows how much I pay attention.

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