Friday, January 2, 2009

The Task, Our Challenge

In recent years it has become increasingly popular in ministry circles to talk about engaging postmodernism. The question that rises from that is: How do we do that? How do we, claiming and embracing truth, engage a relativistic culture? And when we do that, how do we avoid retreating to modernity?

With those questions in mind, it is our challenge to engage postmodernism, recognizing that real answers cannot be found therein, and somehow come out the other side. Instead of living in the confusion of postmodernity, or in the arrogance of modernity, albeit a modernity that disguises itself as postmodernity, let's lead the way to a new paradigm. Let us embrace the authenticity that postmodernity seeks, all the while proclaiming a truth that modernity has sought to understand. In the acadamy, and in life, Christians have an opportunity to lead the way into a new world. Let us blaze the trail as we seek to make a difference for the kingdom.


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