Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The light is green... go!

This evening I went with the family to the store to pick the girls up some new jeans. Katie and I were in the front, Eliana and Giada were in the middle row, and Bianca was all the way in the back. I eased our vehicle into the left turn lane, and waited there for the light to turn green. In the meantime, the lights for the three lanes to our right turned green. The cars in those lanes began to go, but since our light remained red, I stayed where I was.

After a few seconds, Bianca called to me from the back, "The light is green, daddy... go." I assured her that the light was not green, but she called again, this time with a bit more intensity, "The light is green... go!" I tried to explain to her that the lanes next to us had green lights, but that our was still red. She would have none of it, and in exasperation she yelled, "THE LIGHT IS GREEN... GO!"

Could it really the case that this little kid who was sitting not just in the back, but in the way back, the back back, the backety-back, the penalty box, was giving me driving instructions? A backseat driver is certainly an annoyance, but a three year old?

I had to stop and wonder how often I do that with God. How many times have I told him how to drive, rather than just let him do the driving? How many times have I been sure that he must not understand that the light is green, and that it is time to go, when he is quite aware of what color the light is, and is going to wisely navigate me to my destination? I really couldn't believe I was getting backseat driving instructions from a three year old, but I am sure I have been guilty of doing the same with my Father. Maybe we should all just trust him to get us where we need to go. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.


Anonymous said...

Mary Elizabeth does the same exact thing. Now I'll never forget this great analogy.

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